Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Wand Buildout

The assembly of the wand became somewhat tricky with the wiring and the electronics package and the container.

The wand handle base was where all of the wires came out. Im glad I had some extra wire but it became a problem fitting into the pill bottle.
The electronics package itself was a bit tricky to construct with the limited confines of the pill bottle, but in the end, it was able to squeeze inside the bottle. The only thing is that due to the extra wiring, it is pushed out of the back and sticks out. Solution, add a bigger bottle to the end.

 This is the bottom side showing the accelerometer. Everything is hardwired so I'll have to desolder it when I'm done.

The top view showing the transistors and power side of the module. Building this out was well...a test of patience...

And finally, the end product. The hand leaves a bit to be desired....but it works. The paint job needs some work, but hey, this could be used for something else later on.

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