Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Garden Project Initial notes from a while back.

From a Project a while back

First test if the remote setup using wireless transceiver and solar panel(out of pic) This is only transmitting one of the data points to see how well the data gets through at the range and low voltage. This should get some interesting data as it will be in direct sunlight which should show a steeper evap curve. we'll see what the data looks like this eve!

Some Data at the time...
This is a side by side comparison of two data sets. The first was posted on Monday and the second is from some testing on Tuesday morning. The second set shows the cleaned up data with less noise thanks to a simple fix in the hw setup. As you can see, it cleaned things up quite nicely. The data set also shows the low moisture level of the soil, then the addition of water. The second slight bump in the level was when I added s bit more water...the readings are at a 2 second interval and this shows 1000 total readings.